Monday, 28 June 2010

Phoenix and Rogue

My new project, no more excuses now for not making or starting what was once left unfinished. As many of you are quite unaware i had an etsy store selling vintage stuff, i was going to expand with more handmade items such as headbands, since i have a huge collection. If noone wants to buy them it's good that i can just wear them, so watch this space!!!
In the meantime some favorite images.


Did i ever mention im leaving Manchester for good, and moving back to Leeds? Well yes i am. Sad times. Boring times.
My friend Zuza took these. Love the colours, just hate my legs and face i look like a he man in one and fat kid in the other. Nice still.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Back after a month been busy busy preparing for the final year show, exciting stuff. Kinda finished so a bit bored now. Managed to scan in some negs from holiday last year. Yes last year!

I've uploaded some of my favourite images below. Enjoy. Oh and going to start and make headbands yes!!!!