Monday, 10 May 2010

Memory game

2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse
2007 2007 2007 2007 2007
Daft Punk Daft Punk Daft Punk
Patrick Wolf Patrick Wolf Patrick Wolf
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008
My chemical Brothers My Chemical Brothers
2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
Black Lips Black Lips Black Lips
Prodigy Prodigy Prodigy Prodigy
0809 0809 0809 0809 0809
Japan Hong Kong Japan Hong Kong

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

strike a pose

I found these photo in one of my magazines which i've accidentally cut up now to make into a collage. The supermodel days. by Peter Lindbergh 1991.


Note to self: Never give myself a heart attack.

Woop so yesterday was my exhibition preview along with work by Charlotte Trewin and Ekaterina Korzon. For the exhibition i produced a video installation with video clips from 50s horror movies, b-horror movies, whatever you call them. There was a lot of humor in it, although, i myself am not too sure about this? I think i did it intentionally without thinking much about it. The film clips i made was meant to be about 'self destruction'. The theme for this exhibition was nature, hence the name 'Zafta' meaning nature in russian ( I think that's right).
Unfortunately there was no cake, as promised as i was still editing the clips right until the very minute before the preview started. Encountering many problems on the way very typically a Bonnie thing i must say. Not only did a dvd disk get stuck in my laptop, but the dvd players was slow as hell.
Anyway the exhibition was so nicely done, Im so proud of us all , considering we have extra work to do for our final show and stress before with handing in our journals. So tonight i will treat myself to a well earned night out with the gals.
Ehh i guess you all want to see what was actually i the exhibition right?
There was lots and lots of intricate papercuttings by the lovely Charlotte and wallpaper and painting by the lovely Katya. Their work fitted in with the theme perfectly and the work together complimented each other, it was like it was meant to belong together. Whereas mine was dominating one corner where people can chill out on the sofas and have my piece kill their conversation. Yeah everytime the mushroom cloud was on it always fell silent for some strange reason, and the godzilla clip always brought laughter. A good combination I'd say. Photos soon.